Friday, March 03, 2006

Ever Vigilant

General Casey has told us today that
"it appears that the crisis has passed"
in reference to all the recent fears and worries about an impending civil war in Iraq. That said, the news of plans for possible attacks being developed by al Qaeda , the developing story that al Qaeda has infiltrated the West Bank and Gaza, the continued saber rattling coming from Iraq's neighbors to the east, and the apparent unwillingness of Hamas to tone down the rhetoric and express interest in peace all serve to remind us that the Middle East is a very dangerous and worrisome place in the world right now.

While the General believes the immediate crisis has passed, he goes on to suggest that it is a fragile time in Iraq, and we must be careful, watchful and ever vigilant. Our success in Iraq has been often un-reported, under-reported, or completely disregarded by many media outlets and detractors of the war. While our soldiers must be ever watchful and vigilant in their duties, so too shoud we stay on our leaders here at home.

Whatever definition we can muster for Victory, it must at the very least include the absolute need for the Iraqi people themselves to protect and defend themselves from enemies both foreign and domestic. With the pressures all around her borders, Iraq must become strong, safe, and secure. We are helping them do that with our military and we must also help them by making sure our leadership here gives them the resources they need to do it.


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