Thursday, February 09, 2006

A suggestion on Voting Reform

No one in his or her right mind would ever support this, but I have a hair-brained idea on a change we should make to the system of voting in this country.

We should have ALL election cycles be set to every 6 months. Yep-6 months.

It is the dawn of the '06 election cycle, and as always, the politicians start anew to talk to US, and tell us how they feel, what they believe, and what they'd like to do for us if only we would elect them into office...this dynamic has been called many things over the years, such as pandering, pushing the palm, and one of my favorites-stumping.

Now, with a couple Google hours under my belt, I could probably find 50 examples of the point I want to make here, but as a Texan, I'll give you ONLY THIS ONE to drive home the point.

My Governor Rick Perry (who I reluctantly voted for, and will reluctantly vote for again because of my dedication to my party affiliation) suggests that he must deploy all available and practical resources to the Texas-Mexico border because the Feds are overwhelmed, understaffed, and apparently incapable of dealing with the border crisis we face. Now, this SOUNDS fantastic...awesome...inspiring...and encouraging.

The problem is that he has had the entire Presidential term of his former boss to address this issue (one that has been internationally debated and discussed) and has done zip to address it until NOW...the entry into the Gubernatorial election cycle of 2006. He has a lowly challenger in Carol Keaton-Strayhorn (a Republican running as an independent because she knows she'll never beat Perry in the Primaries), but this challenge is fearful enough to his strategists that he has to start looking like a Governor now that there is a credible challenge to his supremacy in Texas politics.

My point in today's rant is simple. Since all it seems to take is a threat to keeping the cushy do-nothing, look pretty job of head-of-State of a member of our fine Republic, why don't we make them worry about being unseated every 6 months?

Whenever an election cycle rears its ugly head, the political scum out there starts actually doing the work they avoided for 90% of the term they were elected to serve. If we had them worry about being fired more often; more frequently... maybe(like us chumps that have to earn our jobs and salaries everyday) they'd actually do the jobs we hired them at the ballot box to do.


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