Thursday, May 25, 2006

movin' on up, to the east side

and if you know where that came from, you TOO are old!

haystack has gotten the courage to go it alone, and has bought a domain name:
come on over and set a spell...I think you'll like it.

My buddy Tim Saler did the software and layout...he's a good man. I might be able to talk him into designing a site for you, if'n you got a little moola!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haystack: I left this message for you on Trevino's blog, but he has a nasty habit of deleting all my comments:


I'm a Muslim who works very closely with Catholics on certain issues of worldwide importance. One of my close mentors is actually one of John Paul II's advisors on international security-- A Knight Commander of one of the Papal Holy Orders.

You have to realize that it's the extremists on both sides that cause the problems... there are extremists influencing Vatican policy:

"The sociologist Renzo Guolo, in his book Xenophobes and Xenophiles: Italians and Islam, notes a ‘turnaround in the Italian bishops’ conference in recent years.’ A new right-wing spirit has taken hold in many quarters. Cardinal Biffi of Bologna, for instance, has called for the closure of Italy’s mosques and for a new law banning Muslim immigration, ‘because these people are outside our humanity.’ So widespread is this kind of talk that even the traditionally anti-clerical party, the Northern League, is experimenting with the crusader’s sword. The Euro-MP Francesco Speroni, for instance, has called for a ban on allowing Muslims to enter Italy, prompting one human rights activist, Rinella Cere, to conclude that ‘a “pact with the devil” was clearly being made between sections of the Catholic church and the Northern League.’ "

Benedict has actually turfed many of the academic specialists on Islam in favour of ideologues who know very little about the religion and thus spout their prejudicial biases instead of knowledge. Ideologues like Trevino here, who regularly denies me any chance to speak up regardless of how polite or knowledgeable my posts are. All that's left is a battle between the right-wing wackos of Catholicism vs. the extremists of the Muslim world.

Thank God that people like my mentor exist. I have learned much from him, and thanks to him I see that Catholicism is not just reactionary bigotry of the sort that Trevino indulges in, but something very close to my own faith in many of its core values.

(Trevino, at least have the courtesy to leave this up until haystack sees it.)

11:31 PM  

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