Thursday, February 24, 2005

Death by Political Correctness

Whenever they can, the Political Correctness Police take on issues in the name of protecting "victims". Fine. It's not nice to call someone fat, just because they weigh 400 pounds. Fine. It's not nice to call a woman a babe, even if she's the most beautiful creature on earth. Fine. It's not nice to call an African American black, even if that is their skin color.

But to say it's not nice to call a person a Southerner, even though they're from the South, is killing a section of our population and heritage. It's suggested here that Confederate images, the honoring of members of the Confederacy, and favorable represenations and reflections about "all things Southern" should stop, and this is based on the premise that the only thing you can say about that portion of our history and heritage is that they engaged in slavery.

The Southern heritage needs to stop being defined only through slavery. There is much to celebrate about being Southern, and much to be proud of from our history. And much to be learned by them Damn Yankees about how to live, how to treat each other, and what loyalty and respect of their families, and communities, and fellow Damn Yankees means.

And them Damn Yankees could use a little God Fearin' in their Godless, uppity lives, too!


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